and it's already monotonous and dull. Except this year we have free lessons to think about doing work, and end up going home and eating cakes. And watching youtube.
Going out tonight with someone I met at Reading. I hope he doesn't take my heart shaped clutch-bag too literally. Like that music video for that dance song, where that woman carries around her MASSIVE heart, and no one wants to sit next to her on the bus.
I find this amature short film absolutely charming, witty, and very sweet. I haven't finished watching it yet, but am desperate to share it. Tell me what you think!
I'm ridiculously impulsive, and I normally ask myself, "What is there to lose?" The answer is almost always "Nothing". But when I think about it, there are lots of things to lose from being impulsive. Maybe I should ask, "What is there to gain?" Moderation isn't part of my life, particularly because I get bored so easily. I can't say no to many things, especially if I am rewarded with short-term bursts of pleasure. Sex, Food, Cigarettes, Money, and Drink are all things I abuse fairly excessively, and it seems ridiculous that I cannot control the actions I take with my own hands, my own mouth, eyes, body, brain...
Admittedly, I can and do enjoy myself, but I want things to be more stable, and to be able to trust myself.
Elliott Smith was so talented and romantic and depressed. His music makes me unhappy most of the time, but in the comforting way. It's a feeling we all sort of need sometimes, just to dwell on it, think about things, and then, hopefully, eventually get over it. R.I.P Elliott, you were a musician if I ever saw one
Just Say Yes is the most up beat, and probably my favourite;
is the first weekend after my 17th birthday, and the weekend before, god forbid, I officially start my last year of sixthform.
On Friday night I went out with some friends to Bedrock @ "Metro", which I imagine is usually called "The Worst Indie Club Ever". For some reason Becky and I can't get enough. We've gone so often that now we're even mates with the doorman, John. Anyway, here are a few reasons people may not like it; .It's usually a last resort for the more dignified underage - early 20s clubber .It is the most shamelessly indie clubnight you could find yourself in .Everyone there is usually a) over 25, or b) is not from the UK and doesn't know any better
The above reasons are probably why I love it. It's nice to go somewhere a bit more mature, and un-deniably less pretentious. We always meet great people there, too. This particular night was full of characters, from a lovely fair haired young man of the aforementioned type who could find nowhere else to go, too a man who took a fancy to my friend and worked in the local record store. We shall call the good looking blonde "Blondie", and the mature music lover, who looked good, though a little worse for wear, "Meth-head".
As the club drew to a close, and our other friends left, Becky and I were still wide awake and,as I recall, very drunk. We weren't going home, no matter what time our parents had advised, just because we're that fucking rock'n'roll, ok? :/ We decided to go back to Meth-head's place in Bethnal Green, which is pretty far from where we reside. I decided to drag poor Blondie with us, as you do. Travelling home the next day was hell, and Becky and I had a rather philisophical and depressing journey, although I do believe numbers were exchanged on her part, but I'm not sure how willingly.
Anyway, enough of my antics, I don't want to bore you, so here are some interesting hyper-realist art works; Ron Mueck
This is my new blog, like it or lump it. I'm 17, I'm from London, I have a variable life, two parents, and a cat. Here are some great things;
One of my favourite books
One of my favourite films
Nan Goldin. A photographer I like
It would be great to own something from this range by Jeremy Scott, too
Two of many wonderful bands -
I also love making lists, kind gestures, analysing everything, making lots of noise, talking, laughing, meeting people, dancing, good food, cheap drinks, great style, having sex, "making love", drinking tea, my best friend Becky, day-dreaming about university, "Peep Show", murder stories, meeting people, and learning things from new friends and strangers
Here are some dislikes of mine:
People other people can't help liking, even if they're horrible, mushrooms, sleeping too much, travelling home after a night of mayhem, being alone for too long, being lazy, people who are cold mannered, being indecisive, always thinking I'm in love, when things are too repetitive, snobbery, and "Skins".
So if you're a big mushroom with a cold manner, don't bother : p Otherwise, hello there!