Tuesday 6 January 2009

is it just me or does no one read my blog?

today was the sixth day of the new year i'll have you know, it was so cold
i wore tracksuit bottoms over shorts and tights and srockings
and i wasn't cold
so yeah, that was me catching up with trends and being 'slouchy chic' - in other words terribly, terribly lazy

you're all having a much better time than me - yeah. But no, no you're not having a better time than me, are you, no!!! I need to stop thinking everyone is having such a great time - i'm so angry with me - and YOU - all of YOU. Not all of you.

but enough of my whining, check out oxfam online - http://www.oxfam.org.uk/shop/productdetails.aspx?catalog=HighStDonated&product=122526
its an yves saint lauren dress for mega cheap, SOMEONE SNAP IT UP

between sturdier books i have been amusing myself with "The Best of is it Just me or is Everything Shit?" (have a listen: http://www.iseverythingshit.co.uk/shit.htm)

on a cheerier(?) note it was Simone's birthday yesterday, Xtine's today, and Lauren's this thursday, so HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO THEM.


p.s why do i keep winning "who is a better singer?" on facebook? although i am apparently really famous, and a fucking brilliant singer, i am officially not hot or cuddly