Friday 26 December 2008

fowl foul

I've never been that keen on eating birds
chicken is ok, but I'd much prefer a good burger, beef is where it's at

recently I've started using really stupid expressions
Rose even thought I said 'foxy'
even typing foxy strains my fingers

I ACTUALLY said 'f'fuckssakes'
not F.O.X.Y
but there was definately some comic value

anyway, keep safe xxx

Thursday 25 December 2008

merry fuckin' christmas

1. I'm ill
2. The plumbing has fucked up,
3. and so has the electricity - which means no christmas food
and now I'm so sick that I can't even enjoy my food - AGAIN

I confess, I am indeed partly to blame. Yesterday, on Christmas Eve, I had a wonderful time at The Ram with Lozzenger, Gingerchins, and fucking Ross, who's been preoccupied with all things Slade/UCL. In more sensible terms, I got wasted with Lauren, Becky, and Rose. I had about 10 double vodkas with diet coke. And red bull. Red bull is great. We talked about Rose's family, relationships, and tingly gums. Lauren gave me a wonderful pair of tights, and only drunk red bull as she was driving. We sat with some guys (née Lower Sydenham, the boring and nice version of where I'm from). They were nice, and one of the was called Kevin. I spent his money on drink and we chose some songs on the Jukebox, one of which may have been by The Jam. I forced him to dance with me and thought I was really sexy. I got his number - WHO KNOWS

Nah, nothing will happen, but I don't mind anymore. I like being the single baby with all my friends being fun and fairly irresponsible parents who take care of me! We talked about that too. Then had a driving party in Lauren's car.

Now, whilst my parents (real ones) feast out, I watch Harry Potter. A few people may know Alex Nicholson's friend Tom Chambers, who sort of resembles tom from the leaky cauldron

But I should stop complaining. I got some good presents, including a liberty print scarf, some lovely perfumes and make up cases, and a falconry day. That's right, I'm the ultimate greeb*. I love birds of prey, and get kicks from flying them with a big leather glove.

Hear are some visual treats for you all now, some of which will be influencing how i spend my christmas £££:
Pattie boyd

Happy holidays! xxxxx

n.b - *Greeb - my family's definition differs from that of the urban dictionary - basically in our books, a greeb is a big neek, a bit like an anorak

Tuesday 23 December 2008

Finally blogging again

REJOICE! I can once again access my blog thanks to discovering my old gmail account

It's the season to be jolly, so here are a few wonderful things I recommend:

"Gregory's Girl" is the most fantastic film, it's incredibly light hearted compared to the heavy duty stuff we're all becoming increasingly immune to 'these days'. However, it's still very relevant today as it presents the heartaches we have to bare from 10 to 20 when it comes to first crushes and dates

Plain verse, Gregorian chanting. BEAUTIFUL especially at this time of year ;}
I just general love medieval stuff, sadly enough

"Jonathan Creek", the magical crime series, is so good. Alan Davies is hot. A big thank you to my friend Craig for the recommendation - watch out for the xmas special

I have recently also concluded that Scottish people MUST be the funniest.
Check out Limmy on youtube, and if you have the chance to watch Frankie Boyle's new live dvd then that is also pretty amusing

I'll post something more interesting soon (I hope)

Bye bye for now!