Monday, 8 September 2008

Mother Nature's Son

I find this amature short film absolutely charming, witty, and very sweet. I haven't finished watching it yet, but am desperate to share it. Tell me what you think!


Anonymous said...

pretty! how you doing? loll

Anonymous said...

yep i'm reallyyyy tired too to much partiessss

Tom said...

Well this is nice. I made this film and only just saw it had been linked to on youtube, and it really made me smile to see after a lame day working. Cheers for that.

Anonymous said...

Yep yay, I got the video up :)
Similar interests eh?
Don't suppose you like Interpol, Most infact all of my friends haven't heard of them it's proposterous :/
p.s the film is rather good, creepy but sweet all at the same time, I like to be bewildered